Articles on: Multiservers & Others
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Creating servers with a MultiServer


In this article, you will learn how to set up a server from your MultiServer account.

🔌 Creating Your Server 🔌

Log in to WitherPanel.

Click the `Create Server` button at the top-left of the panel. If you don't see the button, open a live chat!

This is where the create button server should be

Fill in the RAM, Storage space, and CPU you want for the new server, and select its location. You can also choose the server software here, but this can be changed later.

The resources available depend on the MultiServer package you bought. The CPU, RAM, and Storage you allocate will be deducted from your total resources. To get more resources, see here. For software types, see: Minecraft Java / Minecraft Bedrock.

Click `Create` to set up your server! Wait a few minutes for installation.

After giving it a few seconds to install, it will be available to use

Click on your server to access the server console. Here, you can start/stop your server and run console commands. Use your new server like any other server from your MultiServer package!

🏗 Managing Your Server 🏗

To edit the resources your server is using, go to the settings tab and update the fields. You can increase or decrease the RAM, CPU, and disk space. Once you're satisfied, click `Edit`.

❌ Deleting Your Server ❌

To delete your server, click the `Delete Server` button at the bottom.

Once you delete the server, you cannot restore it. Please be careful!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask us through our Live Chat system!

Updated on: 27/05/2024

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