Articles on: Plugin Setup

How to install and use AngelChest [Java]

Angelchest is a super simple grave-style plugin. When a player dies, it stores the player inventory in a chest ( that can be customized ) for a certain amount of time. Let's go over setting up this plugin

Installing the plugin

Download the plugin from here , upload it to your plugins folder, restart the server, and you're done!

Configuration options

angelchest-duration: 600 - Determine how long you want to keep your chests alive ( in seconds ) before they drop as items
max-allowed-angelchests: 5 - Determine how many chests a person can have at a time
drop-contents-when-expired: true - Choose if you want the plugin to drop player items when the chests expire. If set to false, items are completely gone
There is some pvp options ( to allow if you want chests to be made during pvp or not
random-item-loss-ignores-enchanted-items: false - Use this to preserve enchanted item information
show-location-on-join: true - When a player logs on, the plugin shows where their angelchests are located
material: CHEST - You can determine what you want the chest to be like. You can technically select any material that you want as your grave

These are the basic configurations behind AngelChest. The config.yml contains a lot more options to configure such as plugin messages, commands to run, etc.

Commands & Permissions


angelchest.use - Spawns the AngelChest instead of dropping the items when the player dies.
angelchest.protect - Your AngelChest will be protected from other players. They cannot break or open it.
angelchest.protect.ignore - Allows you to open other people's protected AngelChests. - Allows you to teleport yourself to your AngelChests using /acinfo, /aclist or /actp
angelchest.fetch - Allows you to teleport your AngelChests to yourself using /acinfo, /aclist or /acfetch
angelchest.others - Allows you to run /unlock, /acinfo, /actp and /acfetch for other players' AngelChests
angelchest.reload - Allows you to reload the config


/unlock or /acunlock or /unlockchest - Unlock your existing AngelChests for all other players.
/acinfo or /aclist - Lists all your AngelChests and allows you to unlock them, teleport yourself to them or teleport them to yourself
/actp - Allows you to teleport yourself to your AngelChests
/acfetch - Allows you to teleport your AngelChests to yourself
/acreload - Reloads the config

Article made by vijaypondini#0001 ( ID 631466030023049217 )

Updated on: 14/06/2022

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