How to install and use Broadcaster [PMMP]
In this article, we will install and configure Broadcaster plugin for Pocketmine. This plugin will allow you to send custom message, popups and title broadcasts with prefixes, suffixes and intervals to all online players.

Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps!
Go to this link and download the plugin.
To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the plugins folder. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP.
In order to apply the changes, restart your server.
With Broadcaster, there are a few commands you need to know that will allow you to perform all its functions:
/broadcaster - Broadcaster commands (aliases: [bc, broadcast])
/sendmessage <player (* for all players)> <message> - Send message to player(s) (aliases: [sm, smsg])
/sendpopup <player (* for all players)> <message> - Send popup to player(s) (aliases: [sp, spop])
/sendtitle <player (* for all players)> <message> - Send title to player(s) (aliases: [st, stl])
These all correspond to certain permissions. You can assign these using a permissions plugin (such as luckperms), or by using the default bukkit permission manager:
broadcaster.* - Broadcaster permissions tree. - Let player read info about Broadcaster.
broadcaster.reload - Let player reload Broadcaster.
broadcaster.sendmessage - Let player send messages to players with /sendmessage command.
broadcaster.sendpopup - Let player send popups to players with /sendpopup command.
broadcaster.sendtitle - Let player send titles to players with /sendtitle command.
Tags can be added to your config file or used with commands as placeholders for variable data. Several tags are available to use within this plugin, including:
Available tags for broadcast messages, popups and titles:
- {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
- {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
- {PREFIX}: Show prefix
- {SUFFIX}: Show suffix
- {TIME}: Show current time
Available tags for /sendmessage, /sendpopup and /sendtitle format:
- {MESSAGE}: Show message
- {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
- {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
- {PREFIX}: Show prefix
- {PLAYER}: Message receiver
- {SENDER}: Show sender name
- {SUFFIX}: Show suffix
- {TIME}: Show current time
Extra tag for titles:
- {SUBTITLE}: Add subtitle (the text after this tag will be the content of the subtitle)
The configuration file (config.yml) supports default color codes.
Here is a simple explanation of the difference among the broadcast types:
- Message broadcast: simple text message sent in the chat to all players
- Popup broadcast: larger and possibly longer (in duration) message near the edge of the screen
- Title message: large message in the center of your screen in big letters
You can change the prefix: prefix: "&9[&eBroadcaster&9]" (only change what is inside the quotes) and suffix (optional): suffix: "[A]". This will be displayed at the start/end of every message sent by the plugin.
Message broadcast example:
Change enabled to false to disable. Interval (time between messages) and messages are customizable. You can add more messages as well. Changing other formatting is not recommended.
Popup broadcast example
Change enabled to false to disable. Interval (time between messages), duration (time it is displayed) and messages are customizable. You can add more messages as well. Changing other formatting is not recommended.
Title broadcast example
Change enabled to false to disable. Interval (time between messages), and messages are customizable. You can add more messages as well. Changing other formatting is not recommended.
And you should be all good! Feel free to open a live chat with any questions.
Article made by Emperor#9999

Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps!
🔌 Installing the plugin 🔌
Go to this link and download the plugin.
To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the plugins folder. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP.
In order to apply the changes, restart your server.
⌨️ Basic Commands & Permissions ⌨️
With Broadcaster, there are a few commands you need to know that will allow you to perform all its functions:
/broadcaster - Broadcaster commands (aliases: [bc, broadcast])
/sendmessage <player (* for all players)> <message> - Send message to player(s) (aliases: [sm, smsg])
/sendpopup <player (* for all players)> <message> - Send popup to player(s) (aliases: [sp, spop])
/sendtitle <player (* for all players)> <message> - Send title to player(s) (aliases: [st, stl])
These all correspond to certain permissions. You can assign these using a permissions plugin (such as luckperms), or by using the default bukkit permission manager:
broadcaster.* - Broadcaster permissions tree. - Let player read info about Broadcaster.
broadcaster.reload - Let player reload Broadcaster.
broadcaster.sendmessage - Let player send messages to players with /sendmessage command.
broadcaster.sendpopup - Let player send popups to players with /sendpopup command.
broadcaster.sendtitle - Let player send titles to players with /sendtitle command.
🏷️ Tags 🏷️
Tags can be added to your config file or used with commands as placeholders for variable data. Several tags are available to use within this plugin, including:
Available tags for broadcast messages, popups and titles:
- {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
- {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
- {PREFIX}: Show prefix
- {SUFFIX}: Show suffix
- {TIME}: Show current time
Available tags for /sendmessage, /sendpopup and /sendtitle format:
- {MESSAGE}: Show message
- {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
- {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
- {PREFIX}: Show prefix
- {PLAYER}: Message receiver
- {SENDER}: Show sender name
- {SUFFIX}: Show suffix
- {TIME}: Show current time
Extra tag for titles:
- {SUBTITLE}: Add subtitle (the text after this tag will be the content of the subtitle)
🖱️ Basic Configuration 🖱️
The configuration file (config.yml) supports default color codes.
Here is a simple explanation of the difference among the broadcast types:
- Message broadcast: simple text message sent in the chat to all players
- Popup broadcast: larger and possibly longer (in duration) message near the edge of the screen
- Title message: large message in the center of your screen in big letters
You can change the prefix: prefix: "&9[&eBroadcaster&9]" (only change what is inside the quotes) and suffix (optional): suffix: "[A]". This will be displayed at the start/end of every message sent by the plugin.
Message broadcast example:
# Enable message broadcast
enabled: true
# Broadcast interval (in seconds)
time: 60
# Command /sendmessage format
command-format: "&e[{TIME}] {PREFIX} {SUFFIX} &a{SENDER}&e>&f {MESSAGE}"
# Broadcast messages
- "&e[{TIME}] {PREFIX}&f Here is the first message"
- "&e[{TIME}] {PREFIX}&f Here is the second message"
- "&e[{TIME}] {PREFIX}&f Here is a third message"
Change enabled to false to disable. Interval (time between messages) and messages are customizable. You can add more messages as well. Changing other formatting is not recommended.
Popup broadcast example
# Enable popup broadcast
enabled: true
# Popup broadcast interval (in seconds)
time: 15
# Popup duration (in seconds)
duration: 5
# Command /sendpopup format
command-format: "&a{SENDER}&e>>&f {MESSAGE}"
# Popup broadcast messages
- "&aWelcome to your server"
- "&d{TOTALPLAYERS} &eof &d{MAXPLAYERS} &eonline"
- "&bCurrent Time: &a{TIME}"
Change enabled to false to disable. Interval (time between messages), duration (time it is displayed) and messages are customizable. You can add more messages as well. Changing other formatting is not recommended.
Title broadcast example
# Enable title broadcast
enabled: true
# Title broadcast interval
time: 30
# Command /sendtitle format
command-format: "&d{MESSAGE}"
# Title broadcast messages
- "&aWelcome to your server!{SUBTITLE}&bGood game!"
- "&eHello player!"
Change enabled to false to disable. Interval (time between messages), and messages are customizable. You can add more messages as well. Changing other formatting is not recommended.
And you should be all good! Feel free to open a live chat with any questions.
Article made by Emperor#9999
Updated on: 06/01/2023
Thank you!