How to install and use BuilderTools [PMMP]
In this article, the BuilderTools plugin for PocketMine-MP is installed and configured. BuilderTools is a world edit plugin which allows you to copy structures, paste them somewhere else, use brushes, fill selected areas with blocks, easily create cubes, pyramids, spheres and more!
Now let's get started! This plugin's installation and configuration only involve a few simple steps!
Go to this link and download the plugin.
Drag and drop the file into the plugins folder to upload it to WitherPanel. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP.
In order to apply the changes, restart your server.
Let's say you want to copy and paste a structure somewhere else. In that case, you would use //wand and select it.
After that, you would use //copy
Now, using //paste would paste what you have copied in the clipboard to your current location
Let's say you decided you didn't want to do that. You can use //undo to undo everything.
If you want to fill an area with one or multiple blocks you can use the //fill command. In this example, let's say you want to fill an area with grass and dirt. In this case, you would select the area and use //fill grass,dirt. It is that simple!
Loading schematics is pretty simple! In this example, the schematic that will be imported will be named build. Just follow these steps:
Firstly, go to the file manager in your Wither Panel and find this location and place the schematic file in the directory: /plugin data/BuilderTools/schematics.
After that, use //schem load <schematicName> to load the specified schematic. In this case, it would be //schem load build.
Lastly, use //schem paste <schematicName> to paste the schematic to the world. In this case, it would be //schem paste build.
Creating schematics can be very easy as well! Let's say that you have built a house and you want to create a schematic and name it examplehouse. There are only 3 steps to follow:
Initially, use the `//pos1`and //pos2 commands or the wand axe and choose two positions.
Afterwards, use //schem create <schematicName>. In this case it would be //schem create examplehouse.
Last but not least, go to the file manager in your Wither Panel and find this location: /plugin_data/BuilderTools/schematics/schematicName.schematic. In this case, the schematic would be named examplehouse.schematic in the schematics folder.
That's pretty much it, then! You can ask any questions you might have about this plugin using our live chat feature or by posting a message in the #community-help channel on our Discord Server
Article written by JohnnyX071#8985 ( ID 492973735993933824 )
Now let's get started! This plugin's installation and configuration only involve a few simple steps!
Installing the plugin
Go to this link and download the plugin.
Drag and drop the file into the plugins folder to upload it to WitherPanel. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP.
In order to apply the changes, restart your server.
Basic Commands & Permissions
Command | Description | Permission |
//wand | Switches to the wand tool. The first position is set by breaking the block, second by touching the block | buildertools.command.wand |
//biome | Changes the biome in the chosen area. To get a list of all the bioms use //biome list | buildertools.command.biome |
//blockinfo | Switches to block info mode. By touching a block in the blockinfo mode, you can learn more information about it. | buildertools.command.blockinfo |
//copy | Copies the selected area | buildertools.command.copy |
//paste | Pastes the copied area | buildertools.command.paste |
//fill | Fill selected area with a block | buildertools.command.fill |
//undo | Cancels your latest action in BuilderTools | buildertools.command.undo |
//redo | Re-does your latest action in BuilderTools | buildertools.command.redo |
//schematic | Manage schematics (list - shows a list of loaded schematics; load - loads schematics for /schem paste) | buildertools.command.schematic |
//cube | Creates a cube | buildertools.command.cube |
//hcube | Creates a hollow cube | buildertools.command.hcube |
//sphere | Creates a sphere | buildertools.command.sphere |
//hshpere | Creates a hollow sphere | buildertools.command.hsphere |
//pyramid | Creates a pyramid | buildertools.command.pyramid |
//hpyramid | Creates a hollow pyramid | buildertools.command.hpyramid |
Simple Example
Let's say you want to copy and paste a structure somewhere else. In that case, you would use //wand and select it.
After that, you would use //copy

Now, using //paste would paste what you have copied in the clipboard to your current location

Let's say you decided you didn't want to do that. You can use //undo to undo everything.
If you want to fill an area with one or multiple blocks you can use the //fill command. In this example, let's say you want to fill an area with grass and dirt. In this case, you would select the area and use //fill grass,dirt. It is that simple!
Loading Schematics
Loading schematics is pretty simple! In this example, the schematic that will be imported will be named build. Just follow these steps:
Firstly, go to the file manager in your Wither Panel and find this location and place the schematic file in the directory: /plugin data/BuilderTools/schematics.
After that, use //schem load <schematicName> to load the specified schematic. In this case, it would be //schem load build.
Lastly, use //schem paste <schematicName> to paste the schematic to the world. In this case, it would be //schem paste build.
Creating Schematics
Creating schematics can be very easy as well! Let's say that you have built a house and you want to create a schematic and name it examplehouse. There are only 3 steps to follow:
Initially, use the `//pos1`and //pos2 commands or the wand axe and choose two positions.
Afterwards, use //schem create <schematicName>. In this case it would be //schem create examplehouse.
Last but not least, go to the file manager in your Wither Panel and find this location: /plugin_data/BuilderTools/schematics/schematicName.schematic. In this case, the schematic would be named examplehouse.schematic in the schematics folder.
That's pretty much it, then! You can ask any questions you might have about this plugin using our live chat feature or by posting a message in the #community-help channel on our Discord Server
Article written by JohnnyX071#8985 ( ID 492973735993933824 )
Updated on: 06/11/2022
Thank you!