Articles on: Plugin Setup

How to install and use ConsoleSpamFix [Java]


Console Spam Fix is a great plugin for servers which many plugins and do not want thier console being spammed with useless things.

1. Downloading from Spigot

Click on the Download Now button.
And save it in a place you can remember.

2. Uploading

Go to your /home/container/plugins folder or click Plugins in your home directory.
Upload the .jar file.
Restart your server.

3. Setup

This plugin has a few configurations. Messages-To-Hide-Filter: is a list where you can add the words the plugin has to check for and hide.

4. Messages-To-Hide-Filter:

For example you want the response of /pl to not be seen on the console. Follow this.
In console, type pl and you will see your plugins list like this - [22:36:26 INFO]: Plugins (85): Plugin1, Plugin2.
The more of the words you add to hide, the better the plugin will work. So, for this example below, Messages-To-Hide-Filter, we add [22:36:26 INFO]: Plugins (85).
If you have large errors, you dont have to type the full error. But the more words you add, the more accurate will be and will not hide other messages that may contain the words added in the filter.

5. Commands

/csf reload - Requires perm csf.admin - reloads the plugin's config.

6. Permission

csf.admin - Allow the use of config reload command. Default to OP.

Article written by Arinji#7416 ( ID 890486507872342027 ) with improvements from MrRazamataz

Updated on: 14/06/2022

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