How to install and use DiscordSRV [Java]
How to setup DiscordSRV
1. Enable Developer Mode in Discord.
Open Discord.
Click User Settings.
Scroll down until you see Advanced.
Click into it and enable Developer Mode.

2. Downloading from Spigot

Click on the Download Now button.
Save it in a place you can remember for the next step.
3. Uploading
Go to your /home/container/plugins folder or click the Plugins folder in your home directory.
Upload the .jar DiscordSRV file.
Restart your server with the restart button.
4. Making a Bot
Firstly open a notepad page to copy all the important details.
Go to New Application and click New Application.
Give it a name.
It will take you to a new page, Click the Bot section and then click Add a Bot.
Click the Copy button under the Token Section and paste it in the notepad document.
Scroll down until you see the Server Members Intent Option and Enable it.
This is

Next go back to General Information in the settings tab and click copy Application ID.

5. Inviting the Bot
Go to Authorize and paste the Application ID.
Choose the Discord server you want to invite the bot.
Congratulations, you have invited your bot!
6. Making the Channels
Firstly you will need a channel where the Minecraft > Discord and Discord *> Minecraft go. Once created, right click it and click Copy id. Paste this id in the Notepad document

You will also need a console channel (Optional. You can skip this). Once you make the channel right click it and click Copy id. Paste this id in the Notepad document.
7. Configuration of DiscordSRV
Open the DiscordSRV folder and click config.yml.
Paste the Token which you copied from Article Link. Note: Paste the token Id in place of the text between the "",Do not delete the "".
Picture of Token
Scroll down to the Channels: and paste the Channel id with the Minecraft > Discord and Discord *> Minecraft channel, in the "" after the "general": tag.
This is

Finally paste the console id in the DiscordConsoleChannelId: section and do not delete the "".
This is

Extra Configurations
These are all the extra configurations for DiscordSRV.
Canned messages
These are commands that will be sent as a reply in the channel it was ran in.
Syntax is {"TRIGGER": "RESPONSE", "TRIGGER": "RESPONSE", ...} If you do not want any canned responses, Set this to {}.
PlaceholderAPI placeholders are supported in the responses.
For Example if you want your bot to respond to !ip with the IP: {"!ip": "(Your IP)"}.
Enabled: Whether or not the watchdog is enabled at all. Disable this if you don't want alerts.
Timeout: Time in seconds that need to elapse before the watchdog takes action (Spigot's crash detection uses 60 for this) the minimum for this value is 10.
MessageCount: The amount of times ServerWatchdogMessage is sent. useful if you really want to make sure you know something's up... or not!
Proximity Voice Chat
For this you will need to go the voice.yml file.
Voice Enabled: Change this to true if you want to enable Proximity Voice
Voice Category: The Voice Category Id in which all the voice channels will be created. Make sure to not add any other channel in here except the next step.
Lobby Channel: The Lobby Channel Id in which people who wish to join the proximity voice chat will be in.
Vertical Strength: Maximum vertical distance between players in order to be connected.
Horizontal Strength: Maximum horizontal distance between players in order to be connected.
Falloff: Once a player has joined a network, they can be Strength + Falloff blocks away from the other players before being disconnected.
Allow voice activation detection: Whether or not to allow VAD in voice channels.
Article written by Arinji#7416 ( ID 890486507872342027 )
Updated on: 14/06/2022
Thank you!