How to install and use EconomyAPI plugin [Nukkit]
EconomyAPI is a plugin that provides a core of economy system for Nukkit servers. It allows you to create and manage virtual currencies, as well as perform transactions with other players. In this article, you will learn how to install and use EconomyAPI plugin for Nukkit software in Minecraft.
To install the plugin, follow these steps:
Download the latest version of EconomyAPI from this link.
Place the EconomyAPI.jar file in your plugins folder on your Wither panel.
Restart your server to load the plugin.
Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP.
EconomyAPI provides a number of commands that you can use to manage your money and view other players' balances.
Here are some of the most common commands:
Command | Description | Permission |
--- | --- | --- |
/money or /money mymoney | Shows your balance | economyapi.command.mymoney |
/seemoney <player> | Shows another player's balance | economyapi.command.seemoney |
/givemoney <player> <amount> | Gives money to another player (OP only) | economyapi.command.givemoney |
/takemoney <player> <amount> | Takes money from another player (OP only) | economyapi.command.takemoney |
/setmoney <player> <amount> | Sets another player's balance (OP only) | economyapi.command.setmoney |
/topmoney <page> | Shows the top money holders | economyapi.command.topmoney |
/pay <player> <amount> | Pays money to another player | |
For example, if you want to see how much money you have, you can type /mymoney in the chat and you will see a message like this:
If you want to pay 1000 coins to another player named AverageToast22 for example, you can type /pay AverageToast22 1000 in the chat and you will see a message like this:
You can customize the plugin to suit your needs and preferences by editing the configuration file located in plugins/EconomyAPI/config.yml.
Let's say you want to change the currency unit. To do that you need to edit the value of monetary-unit under money. For example, if you want to use euros instead of dollars, you can change it to monetary-unit: "€".
To change the default money given to the players when they first join your server, you need to edit the value of default under money. For example, if you want to give them 500.0 instead of 1000.0, you can change it to default: 500.0.
To change the max money players are allowed to have, you need to edit the value of max under money. For example, if you want to limit them to 100000.0 instead of 9999999999.0, you can change it to max: 100000.0.
Make sure to save the file after making the changes and restart your server for them to take effect.
EconomyAPI is a useful plugin that allows you to create and manage virtual currencies on your Nukkit server. You can use it to add more features and fun to your server, such as shops, auctions, rewards, and more. You can also use it as a developer to integrate economy features into your own plugins.
And that's it! You can ask any questions you might have about this plugin using our live chat feature or by posting a message in the #community-help channel on our Discord Server
Article written by JohnnyX071#8985 ( ID 492973735993933824 )
🔌 Installation
To install the plugin, follow these steps:
Download the latest version of EconomyAPI from this link.
Place the EconomyAPI.jar file in your plugins folder on your Wither panel.
Restart your server to load the plugin.
Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP.
⌨️ Commands
EconomyAPI provides a number of commands that you can use to manage your money and view other players' balances.
Here are some of the most common commands:
Command | Description | Permission |
--- | --- | --- |
/money or /money mymoney | Shows your balance | economyapi.command.mymoney |
/seemoney <player> | Shows another player's balance | economyapi.command.seemoney |
/givemoney <player> <amount> | Gives money to another player (OP only) | economyapi.command.givemoney |
/takemoney <player> <amount> | Takes money from another player (OP only) | economyapi.command.takemoney |
/setmoney <player> <amount> | Sets another player's balance (OP only) | economyapi.command.setmoney |
/topmoney <page> | Shows the top money holders | economyapi.command.topmoney |
/pay <player> <amount> | Pays money to another player | |
Example 1: Checking your balance
For example, if you want to see how much money you have, you can type /mymoney in the chat and you will see a message like this:

Example 2: Paying someone money
If you want to pay 1000 coins to another player named AverageToast22 for example, you can type /pay AverageToast22 1000 in the chat and you will see a message like this:

You can customize the plugin to suit your needs and preferences by editing the configuration file located in plugins/EconomyAPI/config.yml.
Let's say you want to change the currency unit. To do that you need to edit the value of monetary-unit under money. For example, if you want to use euros instead of dollars, you can change it to monetary-unit: "€".
To change the default money given to the players when they first join your server, you need to edit the value of default under money. For example, if you want to give them 500.0 instead of 1000.0, you can change it to default: 500.0.
To change the max money players are allowed to have, you need to edit the value of max under money. For example, if you want to limit them to 100000.0 instead of 9999999999.0, you can change it to max: 100000.0.
Make sure to save the file after making the changes and restart your server for them to take effect.
EconomyAPI is a useful plugin that allows you to create and manage virtual currencies on your Nukkit server. You can use it to add more features and fun to your server, such as shops, auctions, rewards, and more. You can also use it as a developer to integrate economy features into your own plugins.
And that's it! You can ask any questions you might have about this plugin using our live chat feature or by posting a message in the #community-help channel on our Discord Server
Article written by JohnnyX071#8985 ( ID 492973735993933824 )
Updated on: 31/05/2023
Thank you!