Articles on: Plugin Setup

How to install and use GSit plugin [Java]

GSit is the ultimate sit and lay plugin for Bukkit/Spigot/Paper/Pufferfish/Purpur. In this article, you will learn how to install and use the GSit plugin in Minecraft.

📢 Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! 📢

🔌 Installation 🔌

To install the plugin, follow these steps:

Download the latest version of GSit from this link.
To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the plugins folder. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP.
In order to apply the changes, restart your server.

⌨️ Commands ⌨️

GSit provides a number of commands that you can use to change your perspective by sitting or crawling.

Here are some of the most common commands:

/sit or /gsitSit on a BlockGSit.Sit
/lay or /glayLay on a BlockGSit.Lay
/bellyflop or /gbellyflopBellyFlop on a BlockGSit.BellyFlop
/spin or /gspinSpin on a BlockGSit.Spin
/crawl or /gcrawlCrawl on the groundGSit.Crawl

🍵 Placeholders 🍵

GSit provides a number of placeholders that you can use to be aware of your position.

Here are some of the most common placeholders:

%playertoggle% or %toggle%Shows if you allow right clicking
%posing%Shows if you're posing
%sitting%Shows if you're sitting

That should be everything. Feel free to open a live chat with any questions.

Article made by Quartz#0762 ( ID 1065714439380271164 )

Updated on: 16/06/2023

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