Articles on: Plugin Setup

How to install and use Multiverse-core [Java]

In this article, the Multiverse plugin for Bukkit is installed and configured. Multiverse is a Bukkit plugin that lets you create and manage multiple worlds on your server.
Let's go! there are only a few simple steps to installing and setting up this plugin!

Installing the plugin

Head over to this link and download the plugin.
Then, drag and drop the file into the plugins folder to upload it to WitherPanel. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP.
Lastly, restart your server to apply the changes

Basic Commands

/mv list - Shows the current world list on your server
/mv create - Allows you to create a new world
/mv - This will show you all the more advanced commands

Basic Permissions - Allow users to use /mv help.
multiverse.access.WORLDNAME - Allows users to use the specified world.
mv.bypass.gamemode.WORLDNAME - Allows users to bypass the configured gamemode when accessing the world.
multiverse.teleport.self.TYPE - Allows users to teleport themselves to another world.
multiverse.teleport.other.TYPE - Allows users to teleport themselves and others to another world.
multiverse.core.list.worlds - Allows you to see the worlds list.
multiverse.core.create - Allows users to create worlds.
multiverse.core.clone - Allows users to copy worlds.
multiverse.core.import - Allows users to import worlds.
multiverse.core.modify - Allows users to modify worlds.
multiverse.core.reload - Allows users to reload the config files.

Basic Setup - Importing Worlds

Presuming you have op on your server, when you log in the first time after installing Multiverse, you will see the following notification: You do not have any worlds imported into Multiverse
This means that even if you've already created a bunch of world folders, you'll need to tell Multiverse about them. This is because we have no idea whether your main world is a regular world or a floating skyland. Doing this is very simple in Multiverse.

You jsut need to type: /mv import WORLD ENV
Now, you'll have to replace WORLD with your folder name and ENV with the environment type. There are 3 currently available: normal, nether and end. Let's say that our world was a nether world named testworld. In that case we would use: /mv import testworld nether

What if you got bored of this world? You cna easily delete it. You can easily do /mv delete testworld. You have 10 seconds to confirm that action by doing /mv confirm. Warning! Once you have deleted your world, it can't be restoed!

Creating a World

So, you now want to create a new world, lets name it tutorialworld for refrence!
This is the basic command /mv create {NAME} {ENV} -s [SEED] -g [GENERATOR[:ID]] For now, don't worry about the parameters; all you need to know is that any text enclosed within {} is REQUIRED, while anything enclosed within [] is OPTIONAL.

Let's use this as a basic example:
/mv create tutorialworld NORMAL
This creates the creative world, which has a NORMAL (overworld) environment. You could set the seed here or change the environment to NETHER or END, or you could figure out how to set the generator to create all kinds of cool terrain if you're really clever. Let's put that aside for the time being.

Yey! Your world should now be craeted! To tp to your world simply do /mv tp {worldname} in this example you would do /mv tp tutorialworld

Advanced Setup (Custom world generators)

In this example we will learn how to make a void world. For that you will need the VoidGen plugin. Head over to this link and download the plugin, add it to your plugins folder and start your server.

The generator command can be used. This will ensure that the generator is correctly loaded.
/mv gens

Then simply use the create command to create the world with the custom generator.
/mv create tutorialvoidworld normal -g VoidGenerator

For additional information on custom generator plugins and how to utilize them, see the documentation here

Article written by JohnnyX071#8985 ( ID 492973735993933824 )

Updated on: 15/06/2022

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