How to install and use PlaceholderAPI plugin [Nukkit]
PlaceholderAPI is a plugin that provides a system of placeholders for Nukkit servers. It allows you to create and use dynamic text elements that can be replaced with various values, such as player name, online players, server time, and more. In this article, you will learn how to install and use PlaceholderAPI plugin for Nukkit software in Minecraft.
To install the plugin, follow these steps:
Download the latest version of PlaceholderAPI from this link.
Place the PlaceholderAPI.jar file in your plugins folder on your Wither panel.
It is also required to download KotlinLib which can be found here and put it in your plugins folder on your Wither panel
Restart your server to load the plugin.
Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP.
The plugin provides some default placeholders that are available for every mod using PlaceholderAPI. You can use the placeholders with comatible plugins such as Luckperms, Holograms, SimpleScoreboards, CustomMessages and more! Here are some of them:
- %player:name% - The player's name.
- %player:displayname% - The player's display name (used on chat).
- %player:ping% - The player's ping.
- %player:health% - The player's health.
- %player:hunger% - The player's hunger.
- %player:playtime% - The player's playtime.
- %world:name% - The world's name.
- %world:time% - The world's time (Format: HH:MM).
- %world:day% - The world's day.
- %world:player_count% - The world's player count.
- %server:tps% - The server's TPS.
- %server:mspt% - The server's MSPT.
- %server:time% - The server's time.
- %server:version% - The server's version.
- %server:name% - The server's name.
Placeholders can be used with other plugins that support them. For example, you can use a placeholder that shows the current server time with a plugin like SimpleScoreboards, which allows you to customize the scoreboard.
To use a placeholder with a compatible plugin, follow these steps:
Download and install the compatible plugin from its source. For example, you can download SimpleScoreboards from this link.
Place the SimpleScoreboards.jar file of the compatible plugin in your plugins folder on your Wither panel.
Restart your server to load the plugin.
Edit the configuration file of the compatible plugin to use the placeholder you want. For example, if you want to use %time% placeholder with SimpleScoreboards, you can edit the config.yml file located in plugins/SimpleScoreboards/config.yml and add a new line for example under the test section. For instanse, you can change it to - "&aServer Time: %time%" like shown in the
Save the file and reload the plugin or restart your server for the changes to take effect.
Then, you will see the placeholder replaced with the current server time on your scoreboard title like this:

You can customize the plugin to suit your needs and preferences by editing the configuration file located in plugins/PlaceholderAPI/config.yml.
Let's say you want to change the format of the time placeholder. To do that you need to edit the value of time-format under placeholders. For example, if you want to use 24-hour format instead of 12-hour format, you can change it to time-format: "HH:mm:ss".
Make sure to save the file after making the changes and restart your server for them to take effect.
PlaceholderAPI is a useful plugin that allows you to create and use dynamic text elements on your Nukkit server. You can use it to add more features and fun to your server, such as custom messages, scoreboard titles, chat formats, and more. You can also use it as a developer to integrate placeholders into your own plugins.
And it was that simple! You can ask any questions you might have about this plugin using our live chat feature or by posting a message in the #community-help channel on our Discord Server
Article written by @johnnyx071 ( ID 492973735993933824 )
🔌 Installation
To install the plugin, follow these steps:
Download the latest version of PlaceholderAPI from this link.
Place the PlaceholderAPI.jar file in your plugins folder on your Wither panel.
It is also required to download KotlinLib which can be found here and put it in your plugins folder on your Wither panel
Restart your server to load the plugin.
Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP.
Default placeholders
The plugin provides some default placeholders that are available for every mod using PlaceholderAPI. You can use the placeholders with comatible plugins such as Luckperms, Holograms, SimpleScoreboards, CustomMessages and more! Here are some of them:
- %player:name% - The player's name.
- %player:displayname% - The player's display name (used on chat).
- %player:ping% - The player's ping.
- %player:health% - The player's health.
- %player:hunger% - The player's hunger.
- %player:playtime% - The player's playtime.
- %world:name% - The world's name.
- %world:time% - The world's time (Format: HH:MM).
- %world:day% - The world's day.
- %world:player_count% - The world's player count.
- %server:tps% - The server's TPS.
- %server:mspt% - The server's MSPT.
- %server:time% - The server's time.
- %server:version% - The server's version.
- %server:name% - The server's name.
Example: Using a placeholder with a compatible plugin
Placeholders can be used with other plugins that support them. For example, you can use a placeholder that shows the current server time with a plugin like SimpleScoreboards, which allows you to customize the scoreboard.
To use a placeholder with a compatible plugin, follow these steps:
Download and install the compatible plugin from its source. For example, you can download SimpleScoreboards from this link.
Place the SimpleScoreboards.jar file of the compatible plugin in your plugins folder on your Wither panel.
Restart your server to load the plugin.
Edit the configuration file of the compatible plugin to use the placeholder you want. For example, if you want to use %time% placeholder with SimpleScoreboards, you can edit the config.yml file located in plugins/SimpleScoreboards/config.yml and add a new line for example under the test section. For instanse, you can change it to - "&aServer Time: %time%" like shown in the

Save the file and reload the plugin or restart your server for the changes to take effect.
Then, you will see the placeholder replaced with the current server time on your scoreboard title like this:

You can customize the plugin to suit your needs and preferences by editing the configuration file located in plugins/PlaceholderAPI/config.yml.
Let's say you want to change the format of the time placeholder. To do that you need to edit the value of time-format under placeholders. For example, if you want to use 24-hour format instead of 12-hour format, you can change it to time-format: "HH:mm:ss".
Make sure to save the file after making the changes and restart your server for them to take effect.
PlaceholderAPI is a useful plugin that allows you to create and use dynamic text elements on your Nukkit server. You can use it to add more features and fun to your server, such as custom messages, scoreboard titles, chat formats, and more. You can also use it as a developer to integrate placeholders into your own plugins.
And it was that simple! You can ask any questions you might have about this plugin using our live chat feature or by posting a message in the #community-help channel on our Discord Server
Article written by @johnnyx071 ( ID 492973735993933824 )
Updated on: 18/06/2023
Thank you!