How to install and use SimpleAnnouncer [Nukkit]
In this article, we will install and configure SimpleAnnouncer plugin for Nukkit. This plugin will allow you to make timed and routine global announcements on your server.
📢 Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! 📢
Go to this link and download the plugin.
To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the plugins folder. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP.
In order to apply the changes, restart your server.

With SimpleAnnouncer, there are a few commands you need to know that will allow you to perform all its functions:
/announcer list - Lists announcements
/announcer add <announcement> - Adds an announcement (supports default Minecraft color/format codes)
All you will need to perform these commands is the announcer.admin permission.
In the config file, you can change:
the prefix used by the plugin in chat (prefix:)
whether or not announcements are enabled (enabled:)
if announcements should be said in order (random:). If true, announcements will shuffle.
the interval at which announcements should be broadcasted (interval:). This field is in seconds.
You can also directly edit announcements here in the broadcasts: section. Make sure not to mess up the necessary formatting (dash to begin and apostrophes around)!
Basic example: Add an announcement to join the server discord by using /announcer add &fMake sure to join our Discord at!. You can then change the time between each message in the config file.
And you should be all good! Feel free to open a live chat with any questions.
Article made by Emperor#9999 ( ID 764580296673853460 )
📢 Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! 📢
🔌 Installing the plugin 🔌
Go to this link and download the plugin.
To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the plugins folder. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP.
In order to apply the changes, restart your server.

⌨️ Basic Commands and Permissions ⌨️
With SimpleAnnouncer, there are a few commands you need to know that will allow you to perform all its functions:
/announcer list - Lists announcements
/announcer add <announcement> - Adds an announcement (supports default Minecraft color/format codes)
All you will need to perform these commands is the announcer.admin permission.
🖱️ Basic Configuration 🖱️
In the config file, you can change:
the prefix used by the plugin in chat (prefix:)
whether or not announcements are enabled (enabled:)
if announcements should be said in order (random:). If true, announcements will shuffle.
the interval at which announcements should be broadcasted (interval:). This field is in seconds.
You can also directly edit announcements here in the broadcasts: section. Make sure not to mess up the necessary formatting (dash to begin and apostrophes around)!
Basic example: Add an announcement to join the server discord by using /announcer add &fMake sure to join our Discord at!. You can then change the time between each message in the config file.
And you should be all good! Feel free to open a live chat with any questions.
Article made by Emperor#9999 ( ID 764580296673853460 )
Updated on: 18/01/2023
Thank you!