Articles on: Plugin Setup

How to install and use Votifier [Java]

In this article, you're going to be learning how to add and use Votifier in your server. This only adds the voting functionality to your server. If you want to learn how to give rewards to players for voting, see our VotingPlugin guide as well!

Plugin Summary

Votifier is a plugin that receives notifications from voting sites and forwards it to your server. It is primarily used in conjunction with voting rewards. This enables you as a server to reward players who voted the server in real-time.


(We are using NuVotifier for this as it's the most common listener and supports the range of 1.7.X - 1.18.X)

To start, download the latest version of the plugin from here.
Then, drag-and-drop the jar file into the /home/container/plugins folder, on WitherPanel. Lastly, reboot the server and it should now run.


To configure your server to your likings, open the File Manager and edit the config.yml. The general path to this plugin's configuration file is /home/container/plugins/Votifier/config.yml.

The configuration file contains the following configurable options:
(The following line markers are based on the default configuration file. Of course, any modification to your file may potentially shift the line count, so use them as a reference point!)

Host IP (3)
Port (6)
Forwarding (19)

Getting started!

To get started, simply go to WitherPanel and click on the server you wish to manage.

Next, click on the Networking tab. Generate a new port by clicking on the CREATE ALLOCATION button.

Copy the newly created port and change the port inside the /home/container/plugin/Votifier/config.yml to your new port. Leave the host key as

Restart the server and that should get your listener to work!

Testing if everything is working

Because there are no clear indication as to whether it's working or not, you can use this website to test out your votifier setup. Provide both the IP and the votifier port in this tool along with the Public RSA key (located in home/container/plugin/Votifier/rsa/public.key).

Once you have submitted the test vote, check the console page and see whether NuVotifier has received the notification. If you have, congratulations! You have successfully installed NuVotifier and you are ready to setup the vote listeners to handle vote rewards.

Registering your server on a voting website.

When adding your server onto a voting website, ensure you tick the Votifier option to see the extended response.

Some sites may support NuVotifier's token/key system, which you may have to edit the config.yml to setup.
Otherwise, most sites will still use the traditional RSA public key system, in which you provide the IP of the server, the votifier Port and the RSA Public Key in home/container/plugin/Votifier/rsa/public.key.

List of Vote Listeners

- SuperbVote
- Enjin
- VotingPlugin
- UltimateVotes (paid)
- VoteParty (paid)

Article made by Redi Panda_#0247 ( ID 222954293374746626 )

Updated on: 14/06/2022

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