Articles on: Plugin Setup

How to install and use VPNGuard [Java]

In this article, the VPNGuard plugin for Bukkit is installed and configured. VPNGuard will prohibit players from using any sort of anonymizer to connect to your server (whether it would be a VPN or a Proxy). This will effectively help limit spammers/bots and other individuals from joining your server by kicking them or even stop certain subnets/countries from joining.
So let's get to it! there are only a few simple steps to installing and setting up this plugin!

Installing the plugin

Head over to this link and download the plugin. If you want a bungeecordversion, head over to [this link] (
Then, drag and drop the file into the plugins folder to upload it to WitherPanel. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP.
In the end, restart your server to apply the changes

Basic Commands

/vpnguard notify (Enable or Disable in-game notifications when a player tries to join with a VPN)
/vpnguard clearcache (Deletes all cache files that have been saved locally)
/vpnguard lookup <player or ip> (Allows you to look up information about any IP address or Online Player in-game)
/vpnguard clearip <ip> (Deletes the locally saved cache file for the specified IP address)
/vpnguard country (Allows you to add, remove, view, or clear a country from your country list, as well as toggle between blacklist and whitelist)
/vpnguard whitelist (Allows you to add, remove view or clear a ISP/Organization to your global whitelist)
/vpnguard subnet (Allows you to ban or unban a subnet of IP addresses)
/vpnguard report (Creates a report with a list of players who tried to connect to your server using a VPN)
/vpnguard about (Gives information about the plugin)

Basic Permissions

vpnguard.permission.bypass (This permission allows a user or user group to bypass all checks)
vpnguard.command.vpnguard (Allows you to use /vpnguard)
vpnguard.command.notify (Allows you to use /vpnguard notify)
vpnguard.command.clearcache (Allows you to use /vpnguard clearcache)
vpnguard.command.lookup (Allows you to use /vpnguard lookup)
vpnguard.command.clearip (Allows you to use /vpnguard clearip) (Allows you to use /vpnguard country)
vpnguard.command.whitelist (Allows you to use /vpnguard whitelist
vpnguard.command.subnet (Allows you to use /vpnguard subnet) (Allows you to use /vpnguard report)
vpnguard.command.about (Allows you to use /vpnguard about)

Basic Configuration

You can customtise some things in the config.yml to match your linking. Other than that, you are good to go and the plugin should work.
Some basic options are:

Here you can change the plugin's prefix
prefix: "&f[&4Example&f]&r "

Here you can edit the commands that will be execuded if a player uses a VPN or a Proxy
- "kick %p You seem to be using a VPN or Proxy"

Here you can edit the message that will be shown to the players that are trying to join from a blacklisted country or a country that is not whitelisted
country-deny-message: "&cSorry %p, Players from your country %countryname are prohibited from joining our server"

If set to true, this will allow ops to bypass the checks
bypass-ops: true

Article made by JohnnyX071#8985 ( ID 492973735993933824 )

Updated on: 14/06/2022

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