Articles on: Plugin Setup

How to install and use Wild [Java]

A high performance, zero configuration always safe teleportation plugin which simply adds a /wild command to your server.

Steps to install:


Download from spigot here:
Click on the download now button.
Save to an appropriate place on your device.


Navigate to your home directory (/home/container) and enter the plugin directory.
Upload the .jar file to your server.
Restart your server.


By default, no configuration is necessary.
Messages and wild free worlds can be configured, for more info navigate to the following link:


wild.wild - Gives access to /wild. This is given by default to everyone.
wild.player - Gives access to /wild [player]. Given by default to op. - Gives access to /wild [player] [world]. Given by default to op.
wild.bypasscooldown - Disable the cooldown check when using /wild.
wild.bypasscharge - Players can use /wild without paying the charge amount.
wild.reload - Gives access to /wild reload. This is given by default to op.


/wild [player] [world]
/wild - Teleports you to a random location in your current world.
/wild [player] Teleports a player to a random location in their current world.
/wild [player] [world] Teleports a player to a random location in a world.
/wild reload - Reloads configuration and translations.


WorldBorder (optional), Vault (optional), Towny (optional), GriefPrevention (optional), SaberFactions (optional), FactionsUUID (optional)
and Lands (optional).

Article written by EPT#1061 (ID: 425694185958408203) with improvements from MrRazamataz

Updated on: 14/06/2022

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