How to use NBTExplorer to manage your player and world data
In this article, we'll explain how to use NBTExplorer, a powerful tool for editing .dat files. This can be especially useful for modifying world properties or even detailed player properties, such as inventory contents. Let’s get started!
🔎 Downloading NBTExplorer 🔎
Downloading NBTExplorer can be a bit tricky, so we've made it easier for you. Simply download NBTExplorer from here.
After downloading, extract the archive and open the NBTExplorer application. You'll see a list of your world saves as folders, like this:

📌 Using NBTExplorer 📌
Double-click on the world you want to explore. NBTExplorer works like a file explorer, allowing you to see and edit .dat file contents.
Note: You cannot add new data to a .dat file, but you can edit existing data.
🎮 Modifying player data 🎮
For example, if you want to set a player to log in with their furnace GUI open, navigate to the playerdata folder, then to recipebook. You’ll see isFurnaceGUIOpen. Double-click to change the value to 0 (false) or 1 (true). This is just one of many possible modifications.
Below are some key features available for player data modification:

Here, you can edit abilities such as flying speed, building permissions, walking speed, etc. Available values include flying, flySpeed, instabuild, invulnerable, mayBuild, mayfly, and walkSpeed.

recipes: Determines which recipes the user has unlocked. You can edit or delete values.
Other values like toBeDisplayed, isBlastingFurnaceFilteringCraftable, isBlastingFurnaceGUIOpen, and isFilterCraftable determine whether a player was in the process of opening a GUI, furnace, blast furnace, etc.

Edit what a player’s inventory contains (e.g., item ID: minecraft:compass, slot position: Slot: 1, item count: Count: 1).

EnderItems follows the same data structure as inventory.
Pos & Rotation

Edit the player's coordinates for when they log in. Useful if a player is stuck below the void or in bedrock. The values represent X, Y, and Z coordinates.
You can also set the player’s head direction with the horizontal and vertical values. A detailed guide on player head position is available here.

Some other values you can edit include:
foodLevel: Sets the player’s hunger bar level (20 for a full bar, higher values are possible). Related data: foodSaturationLevel, foodExhaustionLevel, foodTickTimer.
Health: Sets the player’s health level (20 for a full health bar, higher values are possible). Related data: HurtByTimestamp, HurtTime.
XpLevel: Sets the player’s XP level. Related data: XpP, XpSeed, XpTotal.
🌎 Modifying world data 🌎
You can also modify world data, which is useful for entity editing and biome changes.

Modify raid data, such as tick time and next availability.

Manage entities in specific chunks. This is helpful if you need to remove numerous entities causing lag or crashes.

Edit points of interest (POI), such as villages, job sites, and other structure data, specific to chunks.

In the region section, open specific .mca files to edit chunk attributes like light levels, fluids, entities, and biomes.
That’s a basic overview of what you can do with NBTExplorer! While there are more advanced options within each folder and value, this guide should provide the essential knowledge you need to start exploring and editing Minecraft data.
Updated on: 30/05/2024
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