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How to change your Level Type

In this guide, we'll learn how to change your level type between the different available options. We'll also explain what each level type means. Let's get started!

⚙️ Finding the Level-Type Setting ⚙️

First, make sure you're on our panel at WitherPanel. Then, go to the server you want to manage. Once there, head over to the File Manager and open the file.

Ensure your server is stopped before making any changes!

In this file, you'll find a setting called level-type. You can change it to any type you want! If it's not in the file, you can add it as a new line.

Different Level Types

For Java Edition

As of Minecraft 1.19, the world type can be expressed as minecraft: followed by the level-type, e.g., minecraft\:normal. It is necessary to escape the : with a \.

Level TypeDescription
DEFAULTOnly for 1.18 or before. Standard world with hills, valleys, water, etc.
NORMALOnly for 1.19 or above. Standard world with hills, valleys, water, etc.
FLATA flat world with no features, can be modified with generator-settings.
LARGEBIOMESOnly for 1.18 or before. Same as default but all biomes are larger.
LARGE_BIOMESOnly for 1.19 or above. Same as LARGEBIOMES, just a new naming scheme.
AMPLIFIEDSame as default but with increased world-generation height limit.
BUFFETOnly for 1.15 or before. Same as default unless generator-settings is set.
SINGLE_BIOME_SURFACEA buffet world where the entire overworld consists of one biome, can be modified with generator-settings.
DEFAULT_1_1Only for 1.15 or before. Same as default, but counted as a different world type.
CUSTOMIZEDOnly for 1.15 or before. After 1.13, this value is no different than default, but in 1.12 and before, it could be used to create a completely custom world.

For Bedrock Edition

Level TypeDescription
INFINITEThis is the default world generation type. It features the generation of various landscapes, using Biomes to separate the world into different environments.
FLATThis world generation type creates a world whose overworld is completely flat, with its lowest layer at Y=-64.
OLDThis has been removed and only possible if it was generated previously. This world generation type has a finite area of 256×256 blocks with an invisible bedrock barrier surrounding it. Converting from old to infinite world is possible.

Once you set the level-type, click save. Then, delete the world folders that are present in your file manager. For Java Edition, this would be world, world_nether, and world_the_end. For Bedrock Edition, it would be worlds. Then, start your server, and you should generate a world with the specified level type!

Updated on: 02/06/2024

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