Getting Started
How to find and install plugins for your minecraft server
There are various software options available for Minecraft servers, each with its own set of plugins and sources to obtain them. Software covered in this article for Bedrock: PocketMine-MP Nukkit Software covered in this article for Java: Bukkit Spigot and Paper Bungeecord Velocity PocketMine-MP To acquire PocketMine-MP plugins, you can visit the website at Here, you can search for plugins by author, category, and API version. Once you fiPopularWhat plugins you need on your Minecraft server
In this article, we will review some plugins that you might want to add to your server. Note that this is just a list of some of the plugins we find a majority of servers using, and is not opinionated. Java: Bukkit/Spigot/Paper plugins General BlueMap/Dynmap/Pl3xmap/Squaremap: an intFew readers
How to allow older/newer minecraft versions to join your server ( ViaVersion/ViaBackwards/ViaRewind ) [Java]
In this article, we'll talk about how we can allow older and/or newer versions of the game to join your minecraft server! For example, if you have your server in 1.18.2, but want to allow players from 1.12.2, it's possible! In fact, it's also possible to allow 1.18.2 players to join on a 1.12.2 server! You can have players all the way down to 1.7.x to join your server. All of this is achievable with a family of plugins called ViaVersion, ViaBackwards, and ViaRewind. We'll go over each plugin aPopularHow to install and use GeyserMC [Java]
📽️ Video Guide 📽️ In this article, we will guide you on how to install and use the GeyserMC plugin on your server, a bridge between Java and Bedrock that allows Bedrock players to connect to Java servers. If you want to install Geyser for BungeeCord, you only need to install the plugin on the proxy server, following a similar guide, then all the target servers will have Geyser implemented. Getting started To begin, you can fiPopularHow to install and use Chunky [Java]
In this article, I will be showing you how to install chunky on your Minecraft server, as well as how to use chunky to pre-generate chunks on your server and reduce lag. You probably already know what chunky is, but I'll explain here anyways. Chunky is a spigot plugin that pre-generates chunks for you. Chunky is very useful because it decreases the load on your server's CPU. Whenever a player enters a completely new chunk, your server will have to load that chunk Immediately. This isn't a proSome readersHow to install and use a map plugin ( Dynmap/Bluemap/Squaremap ) [Java]
In this article, you'll learn how to install and set up a map plugin on your server. It's a simple process, so let's get started! The map plugins we will be covering are: Dynmap Bluemap Squaremap Dynmap Installing the Plugin Now, let's insSome readersHow to install and use Terra Custom World Gen [Java]
Terra is a powerful minecraft world generator that can customize how you want generation in the game to look like. It's a rather complex setup, but we'll simplify it for you so it's easy to understand! This is for advanced users only, the plugin is complex. Installing the plugin Download the plugin from here After you download the plugin, drop it into your plugins folder. Restart the server and it should be applied! Initial configuratSome readersHow to install and use DeadlyDisasters [Java]
DeadlyDisasters is a minecraft plugin that allows you to simulate life-like weather scenarios that minecraft doesn't support. DeadlyDisasters supports sinkholes, cave-ins, earthquakes, tornadoes, water geysers, lava geysers, acid storms, extreme wings, soul storms, blizzards, sandstorms, black plague, tsunamis, meteor showers, endstorms, supernovas, hurricanes, purges, and even more to come as the plugin author, JewishBanana, continues to improve this plugin everyday DeadlyDisasters is rSome readersHow to install and use SkinsRestorer [Java]
In this article, you'll learn how to install and setup SkinsRestorer plugin. How to Install SkinsRestorer Go to SkinsRestorer Spigot page. Click on Download Now. Upload it to your plugins folder in WitherPanel. Go to console tab on the sidebar and restart your server. The plugin should be install and ready to use. If you see theSome readersHow to install and use InvSee++ [Java]
Information: Invsee++ is a plugin you can use to see the inventories of players, both online and offline and make changes to them. You can do the same with their enderchests as well. Versions: 1.12, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18 1. Downloading from Spigot Resource Click on the Download Now button, and save it in a place you can remember. 2. Uploading Go to your /home/container/plugins Folder or click plugins in your home direFew readersHow to install and use QualityArmor [Java]
In this article, you're going to be learning how to add and use Quality Armoury in your server. Plugin Summary Quality Armoury provides additional gun content to the game. The plugin features: Additional guns without replacing existing vanilla items. Built-in resource pack manager. Guns are configurable up to the admin's need. Supports both left/right click shooting. Naturally supports Crackshot and conversions. Natually supports most Anti-Cheats and other plugins. InstallatiFew readersMonetizing your server with a Tebex store (Buycraft)
Hosting a server is fantastic, but it comes with costs. An easy and cost-free method to generate revenue is by setting up a server store using Tebex (formerly known as Buycraft). In this guide, we will explore all the features of the free version. Feel free to upgrade to unlock additional features as well. 1. Setup First, sign up for a free account on the Tebex website. Follow their instructions to choose the correct gametype and complete the registration pFew readersHow to install and use VotingPlugin [Java]
In this article, you're going to be learning how to add and use VotingPlugin in your server. Plugin Summary VotingPlugin is a customizable vote listener, enabling you to reward players for voting your server which in favour pushes your server's ranking in the advertisement list higher. Features Customisable reward potential. You can change what type of rewards you can offer per site by listing each of the rewards and any other customisable addons (permissions and chance) per rewaFew readersHow to install and use DeluxeMenus [Java]
DeluxeMenus let's you create custom GUIs for your Java edition server. Ever see those chest GUIs where you get to join different servers/buy items and wonder how it's possible to do? This is the plugin to go to for that! Installing the plugin Head to this link and download the plugin. Then, drag and drop the file into the plugins folder to upload it to WitherPanel. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP (https://support.witherhosting.Few readersHow to setup and use PlaceholderAPI plugin [Java]
Information: PlaceholderApi is a magnificient plugin with tags for a variety of plugins. It has a huge list of Plugin Names and Supported Tags to make use easier. It provides placeholder variables you can use in your server, for example if you want to have a placeholder for players, there's something for it! If you want a placeholder for your money in-game, there's something for it! 1. Downloading from Spigot Resource CliFew readersHow to install and use ClearLagg [Java]
In this article, we will guide you how to install and configure ClearLagg plugin on your server. ClearLagg plugin can help you reduce lag on your server by clearing dropped entities and ensures that your server runs smoothly. Getting Started Go to Official ClearLagg Page and click on "Download Now" . (As long as your sever version is listed the plugin should work fine) Once the plugin is downloaded. DraFew readersHow to install and use Multiverse-core [Java]
In this article, the Multiverse plugin for Bukkit is installed and configured. Multiverse is a Bukkit plugin that lets you create and manage multiple worlds on your server. Let's go! there are only a few simple steps to installing and setting up this plugin! Installing the plugin Head over to this link and download the plugin. Then, drag and drop the file into the plugins folder to upload it to WitherPanel. Alternatively, you can uploFew readersHow to install and use Citizens [Java]
Hi! In this article we will learn how to install, configure and use Citizens. Citizens is a plugin that will allow you to create NPCs for your server, and it will give you too many tools to get the most out of them. Installing Citizens You can download Citizens from the following links: Premium Version Free Version After downloading the file, shutdown your server, put the file in the pluFew readersHow to install and use InventoryRollbackPlus [Java]
In this article, you're going to be learning how to add and use InventoryRollbackPlus in your server. Plugin Summary This administrator-orientated plugin is designed in mind to save and restore player data during gameplay. The plugin features: Saving meta data such as: Health Armour Experience Location . Force save a specific individual or all players on the server. /ir forcebackup <all/player player Saves the player data depending on gameplay events. Join Leave DeatFew readersHow to install and use WorldEdit [Java]
In this article, you're going to be learning how to add and use Worldedit in your server. Plugin Summary This building-orientated plugin is designed in mind to provide peace and automated building tools for Builders. The plugin features: Mass world modifications (Between 2 points and planes) Provides support for region selecting for other plugins requiring management of regions. (WorldGuard) Replace and filter specific blocks in a specified area. Drain and fill certain areas. LoadFew readersHow to install and use DropHeads [Java]
Hi! In this article we will learn how to install, configure and use DropHeads. Installing DropHeads You can download DropHeads from the following link: Free Version After downloading the files, shutdown your server, put the file in the plugins folder, and start your server again! If you havFew readersHow to install and use OpenInv [Java]
What is OpenInv? OpenInv is a key Minecraft Java moderation plugin that allows you to: Open and edit player inventories (includes offline players) + armor slots. Open and edit player ender chests (includes offline players) Drop items as a player Open containers silently (without animation) as well as containers blocked with blocks Using OpenInv to view and edit inventoriesFew readersHow to install and use Vulcan anticheat [Java]
In this article, we will install and configure the Vulcan Anticheat plugin for Bukkit/Spigot/Paper/Pufferfish/Purpur. Vulcan acts silently by simply observing players actions and flags for things out of the vanilla boundaries. 📢 Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! 📢 🔌 Installing the plugin 🔌 Go to this link and buy/download the plugin. To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop itFew readersHow to install and use VentureChat [Java]
In this article, you will learn about how to use VentureChat and to configure the plugin easily Features Before installing the plugin you should know a bit about this plugin feature and why you need to use this plugin than other Chat plugin. And this are the list: Channels system forFew readersHow to install and use Vault plugin [Java]
Information: Vault is more of a dependency plugin than an actual usable plugin. Vault is a Permissions, Chat, & Economy API to give plugins easy hooks into these systems without needing to hook or depend on each individual plugin themselves. 1. Downloading from Spigot Download from resource page Click on the Download Now button. And save it in a place you can remember. 2. Uploading Go to your /home/container/pluginsFew readersHow to install and use AngelChest [Java]
Installing the plugin Download the plugin from here , upload it to your plugins folder, restart the server, and you're done! Configuration options angelchest-duration: 600 - Determine how long you want to keep your chFew readersHow to install and use Clans [Java]
In this article, you'll learn how to setup and install the Clans plugin. This plugin is useful for having teams or clans within your Minecraft Server. Let's get to it, there are very few steps to installing this plugin! Installing the plugin Now, we will download and install the plugin. Head to this link and download the plugin. Then, upload it to WitherPanel by dragging and dropping the file into the plugins folder.Few readersHow to install and use CoreProtect [Java]
In this article you are going to learn how to install and use CoreProtect Installation Download the CoreProtect plugin from here After you download the CoreProtect plugin drop it into your plugins folder. You just successfully installed CoreProtect. Before we get started, we need to configure the storage of data CoreProtect Data Storage - Important! CoreProtect is known to log almost everything and anything that happens in your mineFew readersHow to install and use Towny [Java]
In this article, you're going to be learning how to add and use Towny in your server. Plugin Summary Towny is a community-orientated gamemode. The plugin features: Create towns and manage the residents of the town. Internal chunk claiming for block protection. Curate towns into nations and provide a realistic world experience. Start wars between 2 nations. Customised chat formatting (with town prefixes and suffixes!) Support for shop plugins and economy hooks. InstallationFew readersHow to install and use DiscordSRV [Java]
How to setup DiscordSRV 1. Enable Developer Mode in Discord. Open Discord. Click User Settings. Scroll down until you see Advanced. Click into it and enable Developer Mode. Developer Mode 2. Downloading from Spigot Resource Downloading Click on the Download Now button. Save it in a place you can rFew readersHow to install and use GSit plugin [Java]
GSit is the ultimate sit and lay plugin for Bukkit/Spigot/Paper/Pufferfish/Purpur. In this article, you will learn how to install and use the GSit plugin in Minecraft. 📢 Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! 📢 🔌 Installation 🔌 To install the plugin, follow these steps: Download the latest version of GSit from this link. To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the pluginsFew readersHow to install and use CrazyCrates [Java]
In this article, you are going to learn how to use and installing CrazyCrates plugin, so let's get started! Installation To start using this plugin, you can install the file from this link Once you install the file, upload the jar file to the Plugin Folder at your minecraft server and restart. Configuration Once you restart the server, a new folder will be created on your Plugin Folder named CrazyCrates will show up,Few readersHow to install and use Plan Player Analytics [Java]
In this tutorial, we'll talk about how to setup plan player analytics, a server statistics/analytics plugin that records useful information such as server uptime, usage, players activity, and has tons of graphs, charts, and detailed information. It is useful to use this plugin to gain statistics and information about your server! Here's some screenshots of it in action Overall Server Statisitcs PlaFew readersHow to install and use EasySetSpawn plugin [Java]
In this article, we'll explain how to install and use the easysetspawn plugin! This plugin let's you set a spawnpoint for your minecraft server and has more options to customize it cmpared to the vanilla /setworldspawn. Let's get to it! Installing the plugin Head to this link and download the plugin. Then, drag and drop the file into the plugins folder to upload it to WitherPanel. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP (httpsFew readersHow to install and use AuctionHouse [Java]
In this article we will learn how to install, configure and use Auction House. Installing Auction House You can download Auction House from the following link: Free Version Dependencies: Vault An Economy Plugin A Permissions Plugin. We recommend LuckPerms After downloadinFew readersHow to install and use spark plugin [Java]
In this article, you will learn how to use the Spark plugin for Minecraft Java Edition. Spark is a performance profiler that can help you diagnose and fix lag issues on your server, client or proxy. Spark can also monitor your memory usage, garbage collection activity and server health. Let's now get going! Installation and configuration of this plugin only require a few easy steps! 🔌 Installing the plugin 🔌 To install the plugin, go to this link andFew readersHow to install and use mcMMO plugin [Java]
In this article, you'll learn how to install and setup mcMMO plugin. How to Install mcMMO Go to mcMMO Spigot page. Click on Download Now. Upload it to your plugins folder in WitherPanel. image Go to console tab on the sidebar and restart your server. The plugin should be install and ready to use. You can chFew readersHow to install and use Votifier [Java]
In this article, you're going to be learning how to add and use Votifier in your server. This only adds the voting functionality to your server. If you want to learn how to give rewards to players for voting, see our VotingPlugin guide as well! Plugin Summary Votifier is a plugin that receives notifications from voting sites and forwards it to your server. It is primarily used in conjunction with voting rewards. This enables you as a server to reward players who voted the server in real-tiFew readersHow to install and use UltraBar [Java]
What is UltraBar? UltraBar is a key Minecraft Java plugin that allows you to: Display boss bars, titles and action bars at all times Display these when a player joins, enters a region (WorldGuard), dies, or executes a command Bossbars made with UltraBarFew readersHow to install and use CraftConomy3 [Java]
CraftConomy3 is an age-old economy plugin that hooks into Vault, in order to provide support for currency on your server! This would be a required plugin to setup an economy system. CraftConomy3, while it hasn't recieved updates for nearly half a decade, is stiil the top choice for an economy plugin. It allows full currency customization, banks, payday, easy economy conversion from other systems, and much more! Convinced? Let's install it!Few readersHow to install and use GriefPrevention [Java]
In this article, you'll learn how to install and setup GreifPrevention plugin. How to Install GriefPrevention Go to GreifPrevention Spigot page. Click on Download Now. Upload it to your plugins folder in WitherPanel. Go to console tab on the sidebar and restart your server. The plugin should be install and ready to use. You can chFew readersHow to install and use KauriVPN [Java]
In this article, we will guide you how to install and use the KauriVPN to block people using VPNs and other forms of proxies from joining your Minecraft server(s). If you want to install KauriVPN on your Bungeecord or Velocity network, you only need to install the plugin on the proxy server of your choice for all your servers to be protected by KauriVPN! 👀 Getting startFew readersHow to install and use UltimateAutoRestart [Java]
In this article, we will install and configure UltimateAutorestart - the only restart plugin you'll ever need! Want to restart your server on 6:00 am every day? Sure, that's possible. How about restarting one hour later on every Monday? That too is easy. With UltimateAutorestart, you can change restart schedules with barely a few commands. 📢 Now, let's begin by installing and configuring this plugin! 📢 🔌 Installation🔌 Click on this link ( readersHow to install and use HolographicDisplays [Java]
In this article, you're going to be learning how to add Holographic Displays to your server. Installation To start, download the latest version of the plugin from this link. Then, drag-and-drop the jar file into the plugins folder, on WitherPanel. Lastly, reboot the server and it should now run. Configuration To start configurating this plugin, go to the plugins folder, find the folder called HolographicDisplays and in it shFew readersHow to install and use ConsoleSpamFix [Java]
Information: 1. Downloading from Spigot Resource Click on the Download Now button. And save it in a place you can remember. 2. Uploading Go to your /home/container/plugins folder or click Plugins in your home directory. Upload the .jar file. Restart your server. 3. SFew readersHow to install and use BetterSleeping4 [Java]
BetterSleeping4 is a sleeping plugin that's used to customize your sleeping experience to the maximum. From disabling phantoms, to syncing minecraft days with timezones, there's a lot of fun things to do with this plugin, so let's set it up! Installation Download the plugin from here After you download the plugin, drop it into your plugins folder. Restart the server and it should be applied! Configuration Most of the configurFew readersHow to install and use WorldGuard [Java]
In this article, we'll learn how to install WorldGuard. Using this plugin, you can specify "regions" ( areas in the game ) and customize what you can do within the region. It's a very useful plugin to protect areas, customize gameplay experience in certain areas, and so on. Let's dive in! Installation To start, download the latest version of the plugin from here. Then, drag-and-drop the jar file into the /home/container/plugins folder, on WithFew readersHow to install and use JobsReborn [Java]
Hi! In this article, we will learn how to install and use Jobs Reborn Installing Jobs Reborn You can download TAB from the following link: Free Version Dependencies: CMILib Vault After downloading the files, shutdown your server, put tFew readersHow to install and use Spicord [Java]
In this article, we will install and configure Spicord plugin for Spigot-forked Java softwares. This plugin will allow you to integrate features between your Minecraft and Discord servers. Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! 🔌 Installing the plugin 🔌 Go to this link and download the plugin. To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the plugins folder. AlternatFew readersHow to install and use TAB [Java]
Hi! In this article we will learn how to install, configure and use TAB. Installing TAB You can download TAB from the following link: Free Version After downloading the files, shutdown your server, put the file in theFew readersHow to install and use ChestShop [Java]
ChestShop is a great way to create a controlled player economy shopping system which is hermitcraft-style. Users can place items in chests and sell these items for currency. With features like shop protection and anti-lag protection, you won't have to worry about your server's economy anymore. Please note, ChestShop cannot run a diamond-based or an in-game item-based economy. It can only run a plugin-based economy from plugins such as vault which you can have $ currency used for. Installing tFew readersHow to install and use EconomyShopGUI plugin [Java]
In this article, we will install and configure EconomyShopGui. This plugin allows you to create an intuitive GUI shop for your players. 📢 Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! 📢 🔌 Installing the plugin 🔌 Go to this link and buy/download the plugin. To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the plugins folder. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP (https://support.witheFew readersHow to install and use VPNGuard [Java]
In this article, the VPNGuard plugin for Bukkit is installed and configured. VPNGuard will prohibit players from using any sort of anonymizer to connect to your server (whether it would be a VPN or a Proxy). This will effectively help limit spammers/bots and other individuals from joining your server by kicking them or even stop certain subnets/countries from joining. So let's get to it! there are only a few simple steps to installing and setting up this plugin! Installing the plugin HeaFew readersHow to install and use Wild [Java]
Steps to install: Downloading: Download from spigot here: Click on the download now button. Save to an appropriate place on your device. Uploading: Navigate to your home directory (/home/container) and enter the plugin directory. Upload the .jar file to your server. Restart your server. Setup:Few readersHow to install and use Banitem plugin [Java]
Banitem plugin is a simple plugin but provide a powerful feauture to ban item which disable specific action for specific item in specific world which also supporting specific permission! Installation Download the Banitem plugin here Now upload the downloaded plugin .jar file to the plugins folder of your server After that restart your server and the plugin will be installed, There will be new folder inside your pluginsFew readersHow to install and use PowerRanks [Java]
PowerRanks: The Only Permissions Plugin You'll Need PowerRanks is a good alternative to LuckPerms. In some cases it's even better, as PowerRanks doesn't require you to download a chat management plugin to handle player prefixes; PowerRanks does it for you. In this helpdesk article, we'll cover PowerRanks's installation process, commands and configuration file. Let's get started, then! 🔌 Installation 🔌 As usual, the installation is simple and straightforward. Follow the given steps: 1.Few readersHow to install and use EasyBroadcast [Java]
Steps: Downloading from Spigot Download from spigot here: Click on the download now button. Save to an appropriate place on your device. Uploading Navigate to your home directory (/home/container) and enter the plugin directory. Uploading the .jar Easy Broadcast plugFew readersHow to install and use LuckPerms [Java]
In this article, we will install and configure LuckPerms, the most famous permission plugins in the world. 📢 Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! 📢 🔌 Installing the plugin 🔌 Go to this link and download the plugin. To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the plugins folder. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP ( readersHow to install and use Milk [Java]
What is milk? Milk is a plugin that allows milk to give saturation and hunger back! It's super useful in case you want to promote users drinking milk on the server. Installing milk Head to this link and download the plugin. Then, upload it to WitherPanel by dragging and dropping the file into the plugins folder. Alternatively, you can use sFTP to uplFew readersHow to install and use Prism [Java]
A grief management system that has features such as rollbacks and more. A fairly reliable alternative to CoreProtect. Getting started Install the plugin and place it into your plugins folder. restart your server and generate the configuration files. Setup a database to use with it. Installation Download the plugin from here and place iFew readersHow to install and use AntiSwear plugin [Java]
In this Article, you are going to learn how to use and install AntiSwear ! This article cover the plugin AntiSwear on Bukkit, not to confuse you with Advanced AntiSwear on spigot Features It's easy to configure words You can ban any swearword and add as many words as you want You can enable or disable kicking system Censoring also work on signs Supports colored chat messages for the kick messages Bonus feature of optional explosion sound on swearing Installation The instFew readersHow to install and use EssentialsX [Java]
In this article, we will install and configure EssentialsX, one of the most famous plugins in the world. This plugins provides core features for servers of any size. Some of its features are: Player-made homes. Server warps and kits, either server-wide or per-world. Player-to-player private messages, teleports and teleport requests. Custom player nicknames. Various moderation tools including kicks, temporary bans, mutes and jails. Built-in economy features including sign shops, commFew readersHow to install and use MyChristianSwearFilter (MCSF) plugin [Java]
The MCSF plugin is a swear/word filter plugin that helps keep your chat clean and safe! It's the one I've found that works the most effectively for chat censoring. In this guide, we'll go over how to install and use the plugin! Installing the plugin Download the resource from here Upload the downloaded .jar file to the plugins folder of your server Restart the server, and the plugin iFew readersHow to install and use ChatCensor plugin [Java]
ChatCensor How you can utilise anti-spam and anti-swear on your server! ChatCensor is a spigot plugin currently supported by minecraft versions 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12. It might work on later versions of minecraft, though I would recommend creating a backup before you try your luck. ChatCensor's main purpose is simple: detect spams and swears, and give out appropriate punishment. In this article, you'll learn about ChatCensor's installation process, commands and their respectiveFew readersHow to install and use MyWorlds [Java]
Creating Custom Worlds with MyWorlds Plugin How to Install: Download the MyWorlds plugin from the official plugin repository here Download the BKCommonLib dependency from the official plugin repository here. Place the plugin JAR files into the plugins folder of your Minecraft server directory. Restart your server to enable the plugin. Commands and Permission NodeFew readers
How to install and use PurePerms [PMMP]
What is PurePerms? PurePerms is a key Pocketmine plugin that allows you to: Set up permissions for different groups (+MySQL, multi-language, and API support) Have a multi-group inheritance system that allows you to inherit group permissions How do you install it? Download the plugin from Poggit Upload it to your plugiFew readersHow to install and use EconomyAPI plugin [PMMP]
In this article, you will learn how to install and use EconomyAPI plugin on your PocketMine server Installing First, you can click this link to install the .phar file After that you can place it on your plugin folder, then restart the server to enable theFew readersHow to install and use PureChat [PMMP]
What is PureChat? PureChat is a key Pocketmine plugin that allows you to: Have custom chat format (+colors) Display chat ranks set using PurePerms - Required! How do you install it? Download the plugin from Poggit Upload it to your plugins folder Restart your serverFew readersHow to install and use PlayerVaults [PMMP]
In this article, you'll learn how to setup and install the PlayerVaults plugin. Installing the plugin Head to this link and download the plugin. Then, upload it to WitherPanel by dragging and dropping the file into the plugins folder. Alternatively, you can use sFTP to upload it. Finally, restart your server to apply the changes. Commands and PerFew readersHow to install and use GAC [Nukkit]
In this article you will learn how to install and use the GAC anticheat plugin on your server; it can be used to protect your server from hackers. Getting the plugin installed: Download the plugin from the cloudburst website here. Also download the dependency that is needed for the plugin to work from here. Upload both of the plugins to your servers pluginsFew readersHow to install and use SimpleWarp plugin [PMMP]
Hello! In this article, we will learn how to install and use SimpleWarp Installing SimpleWarp You can download SimpleWarp from this link To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the plugins folder. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP ( readersHow to install and use PiggyCustomEnchants [PMMP]
The PiggyCustomEnchants plugin for Pocketmine is installed and configured in this article. PiggyCustomEnchants is a custom enchants plugin for PocketMine-MP which includes over 90 custom enchantments. Let's get to it; there are only a few simple steps to installing this plugin! Installing the plugin Head to this link and download the plugin. Then, drag and drop the file into the plugins folder to upload it to WitherPanel. Alternatively,Few readersHow to install and use BuilderTools [PMMP]
In this article, the BuilderTools plugin for PocketMine-MP is installed and configured. BuilderTools is a world edit plugin which allows you to copy structures, paste them somewhere else, use brushes, fill selected areas with blocks, easily create cubes, pyramids, spheres and more! Now let's get started! This plugin's installation and configuration only involve a few simple steps! Installing the plugin Go to this link and download the plugin.Few readersHow to install and use PlaceholderAPI plugin [Nukkit]
PlaceholderAPI is a plugin that provides a system of placeholders for Nukkit servers. It allows you to create and use dynamic text elements that can be replaced with various values, such as player name, online players, server time, and more. In this article, you will learn how to install and use PlaceholderAPI plugin for Nukkit software in Minecraft. 🔌 Installation To install the plugin, follow these steps: Download the latest version of PlaceholderAPI from this link (https://cloudbursFew readersHow to install and use MultiWorld [Nukkit]
MultiWorld for Nukkit offers a simple way to manage multiple worlds on your server. Installing the plugin Go to this link and download the plugin. Drag and drop the file into the plugins folder on WitherPanel to upload it. Alternatively, you can upload it via sFTP. To finish, restart your server. Commands and Permissions CommandFew readersHow to install and use SimpleFaction plugin [PMMP]
In this article, the SimpleFaction plugin for PocketMine-MP is installed and configured. SimpleFaction is a factions plugin with countless features that replaces other faction plugins that are no longer updated. Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! Installing the plugin Go to this link and download the plugin. To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the plugins folder. AFew readersHow to install and use EssentialsTP plugin [PMMP]
In this article, the EssentialsTP plugin for PocketMine-MP is installed and configured. EssentialsTP is a teleportation plugin which is used for setting homes, being teleported in the wild, using warps and more! Let's get going now! This plugin's installation and configuration only involve a few simple steps! Installing the plugin Go to this link and download the plugin. Drag and drop the file into the plugins folder to upload it to WitherPanFew readersHow to install and use PiggyCrates [PMMP]
The PiggyCrates plugin for Pocketmine is installed and configured in this article. PiggyCrates is a simple and customizable crates plugin in PocketMine-MP which supports an unlimited amount of crate types. It also supports vanilla and custom enchants, such as PiggyCustomEnchants. You can ready more about this here Let's start! there are only a few simple steps to installing this plugin! InsFew readersHow to install and use Slapper [PMMP]
In this article, we will install and configure Slapper plugin for Pocketmine. This plugin will allow you to spawn NPCs into your world that can run commands or simply be pretty! 🙋 Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! 🙋 🔌 Installing the plugin 🔌 Go to this link and download the plugin. To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the plugins folder. Alternatively, you can upload itFew readersHow to install and use Broadcaster [PMMP]
In this article, we will install and configure Broadcaster plugin for Pocketmine. This plugin will allow you to send custom message, popups and title broadcasts with prefixes, suffixes and intervals to all online players. Example message broadcast Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! 🔌 Installing the plugin 🔌 Go to this link (https://poggit.pmFew readersHow to install and use PureEntitiesX [PMMP]
In this article, we will install and configure PureEntitiesX plugin for Pocketmine. This plugin will allow you to spawn mobs into your world. This feature is not yet built-in to default Pocketmine software. 🐄 Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! 🐔 🔌 Installing the plugin 🔌 Go to this link and download the plugin. To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the plugins foldeFew readersHow to install and use MultiServerCounter [PMMP]
In this article, the MultiServerCounter plugin for PocketMineMP is installed and configured. MultiServerCounter is a PocketMineMP plugin that allows you to combine the player count of multiple servers. This can be used when you have more than 1 server, for example a Lobby and multiple gamemodes. When using this plugin, the player counts from all your servers will be combined and displayed in the Lobby for example, when queried from a server list or the menu in the Minecraft bedrock client. ThereFew readersHow to install and use SRegionProtector [Nukkit]
In this article, we will install and configure SRegionProtector plugin for Nukkit. This plugin will allow you to protect structures from griefing such as spawns or pvp areas in your worlds. It can help both admins and players with build protection. 🛡️Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! 🛡️ 🔌 Installing the plugin 🔌 Go to this link and download the plugin. To uploFew readersHow to install and use Wilderness [PMMP]
In this article, you'll learn how to setup and install the Wilderness plugin for Pocketmine. This plugin is useful for survival server as it can be used to teleport players to random locations. Installing the plugin Head to this link and download the plugin. Then, upload it to WitherPanel by dragging and dropping the file into the plugins folder. Alternatively, you can use sFTP ( readersHow to install and use BetterVoting [PMMP]
In this article, you will learn how to setup and install the BetterVoting plugin for Pocketmine. It is used to connect MinecraftPocket-Servers to your Minecraft server's voting rewards system. Installing the Plugin Head to the plugin's page and download the file. Then upload it to WitherPanel by dragging and dropping the file into the plugins folder. Alternatively, you can use sFTP ( readersHow to install and use SimpleAnnouncer [Nukkit]
In this article, we will install and configure SimpleAnnouncer plugin for Nukkit. This plugin will allow you to make timed and routine global announcements on your server. 📢 Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! 📢 🔌 Installing the plugin 🔌 Go to this link and download the plugin. To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the plugins folder. Alternatively,Few readersHow to install and use ChatMOTD [Nukkit]
In this article, we will install and configure ChatMOTD plugin for Nukkit. This plugin will allow you to send a chat message to your players when they join your server. 📢 Now, let's begin! Installing and configuring this plugin only requires a few easy steps! 📢 🔌 Installing the plugin 🔌 Go to this link and download the plugin. To upload the file to WitherPanel, drag and drop it into the plugins folder. Alternatively, yoFew readersHow to install and use EconomyAPI plugin [Nukkit]
EconomyAPI is a plugin that provides a core of economy system for Nukkit servers. It allows you to create and manage virtual currencies, as well as perform transactions with other players. In this article, you will learn how to install and use EconomyAPI plugin for Nukkit software in Minecraft. 🔌 Installation To install the plugin, follow these steps: Download the latest version of EconomyAPI from this link. Place the EconoFew readers